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Five ways in which we can help you

  1. 1
    Improve the positioning of your website on the Internet

    The aim of every brand should be to appear on the first page of Google, as here is where 91% of all traffic is concentrated. But how can we achieve this? It’s not just about having a website with an impeccable design and interesting content, but also about making yourself known. Because, as they say, “If you’re not on Google, you don’t exist”. It is important that search engines find your website and identify it as trustworthy, which will attract direct and referral traffic to your website. To optimise your site you will need an online marketing plan; i.e. a clear content structure for both the user and the various search engines, in addition to implementing search engine optimisation (SEO) actions.

  2. 2
    Advise you on how to manage your social networks effectively

    Social networks provide the perfect tool for attracting users to your website. Creating a profile on social networks is not difficult. However, developing an active and constant presence is not so easy. Social networks give you the opportunity to create a virtual office, but before embarking upon this adventure you should know exactly what is involved and how to do it easily and effectively. If you’d like to know more, click here.

  3. 3
    Create news content for your audience

    Connect with your audience, through news items, advice, tips, or any trivia that may be interesting to them – this is essential for getting yourself known. Creating news content requires a lot of effort to ensure that it is interesting to others, will have an impact, and will result in notoriety or sales for your company. You also need to stand out from your competition, by providing clear, attractive messages. Can we help you?  Contact us!

  4. 4
    Advise you on how to expand your business contacts (B2B)

    In today’s world, where we’re all connected through the Internet, your company can make useful contacts, as other companies are looking to do business (B2B). Neuropecomm can help you discover the possibilities of some online tools for achieving this objective. However, remember to always seek a long-lasting professional relationship based on the win-win concept, where everyone is set to gain.

  5. 5
    Publicising your company professionally online and offline

    Good, coordinated dissemination of your business online and offline should be one of your communication goals. Depending on what product or service your company offers, it will be more beneficial to focus on online media; or perhaps offline media -in the form of press, radio, or television- may be more effective. If you want to ask us how, just get in touch.

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How to evaluate a communications agency

  1. Their website positioning. Are they on the top pages in Google?

    How do you know if you have chosen the right agency for your brand? The first thing you need to ask yourself is how you found them. If it was through a search engine, were they on the first or second page? If so, you can be certain that the agency knows how to manage their website positioning and will therefore know how to apply this to your brand too. If, on the other hand, an agency does not know how to make itself known, then how will it be able to promote its clients?

  2. Number of followers on social networks (Facebook, Twitter)

    The number of followers is usually related to the quality of the content offered. If the agency has a lot of followers, then they can also achieve this for you. Another aspect you need to look at is whether the agency has profiles in social networks and interacts with its followers. Does it ask its followers questions? Does it offer quality content? Does it create conversations? All of this is vitally important for knowing whether the agency is capable of attracting followers to your brand. A communications agency must know what type of content creates the most expectation in social networks, and must know how to align the brand’s visual elements with its message. It is also essential that the content is appropriate for each profile, because sometimes what works on Facebook will not work on Twitter.

  3. Does the agency have an active blog? Does the content generate interest?

    As with brands, agencies also need this more emotional space for connecting with their clients. The content of the blog should not be aimed at selling, but rather at informing and showing the agency’s area of expertise, thus defining an attractive and original personality. The agency must also have a content strategy which can be reflected in the blog: number of times a week they are going to publish, the type of content, the subject matter, etc.

  4. Do they have satisfied clients? Are there statements of thanks?

    Every agency should show the clients they currently work for, as well as the different services they perform for each of them. In addition, if clients have given feedback expressing their satisfaction with the work carried out, then it is certain that the agency knows how to commit and to do a good job.
    Another key aspect is honesty and transparency with clients. The world of advertising is a highly dynamic one, and both agency and client have to go with these changes at the same time, working together towards a common goal.

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